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Electric Fence

In an ideal world, no one will need to build a boundary or even gate their premises but that is not so. This is why we go a long way to ensure the people we love and care for are safe. The Electric Fence like other security systems deters people from scaling the fence wall. It therefore prevents unauthorized visitors.

There are several benefits of installing an electric fence at home and at the workplace. Some of the benefits include;

Deterrence, Detection, and Delay

Electric fences deter potential intruders from accessing your property, standing in their way as a physical, intimidating barrier. While the shock these fences deliver is non-lethal, it’s enough to stop most people in their tracks, delaying their attempt to steal your assets or materials.  

Should someone attempt to cross the fence barrier in spite of the electric shock, high-security options such as intruder alarms will detect the intruder’s presence when they access your property. In addition to detecting security breaches, intruder alarms will also alert you to doors being opened or devices being tampered with. 

Ease of Installation

While electric fences should always be installed by professionals, they’re known for being easy to install, use, and maintain. Rather than incurring an extra cost of building brand new fences, electric fences can be installed parallel to or on top of your existing fence structure. Traditional fencing materials are heavy and sometimes difficult to transport, which can add to the cost and time it takes to get them installed. 

Fewer Maintenance Costs

Electric fences are composed of steel or aluminum wires that have been coated with a protective material to prevent rusting. You don’t have to worry about damage caused by precipitation, and there’s no need to paint or re-stain the material like you would for a wooden fence. The basic maintenance these fences require include checking for adequate voltage in the wires with a voltage meter, preventing grass and other objects from touching the fence, and checking the connections. 

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