Hotline: +233 55 300 5114

…Solutions with Joyous and Satisfactory Outcomes.

Supply of IT Equipment

We supply, install and manage ICT equipment’s for public sector and private companies. We are involved with total setup of ICT Centre, ranging from procurement of ICT materials, Installation and Maintenance of the equipment.

Computers and IT Equipment, Servers, Hubs, Cables etc

Amongst others, we are agents for Compaq, DELL, Mecer, Toshiba as well as HP, Epsom and Lexmark.

  • Printers 
  • Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS)
  • Computer Software Packages
  • Cell Phones (all brands available)
  • Digital Cameras
  • Hand Held Computers
  • GPS

Please note: All the machines that we supply are backed up by service centres and spare parts are available.

Get A Quote

    Your Name:

    Your Email Address:

    Your WhatsApp Number:

    Your Call Number:

    The Service You want a Quote on:

    [group solar]
    Number of Appliances in the building:
    How many hours would you like the power to run for ?

    [group cctv]
    The areas you want to view:
    Camera System:

    [group elec-fence]
    Your Land Plot Size:
    A picture of the front view of your building:

    [group car-tracking]
    The Model / Brand of Your car:
    The number of Cars you want to track:

    [group generator]
    Would you like to Purchase or Service a Generator? :
    [group type-of-gen]
    Type of Generator You will like to purchase:
    [group generator-prob]
    Type of Generator:
    Please describe the problem of the Generator:

    [group networking]
    How many PC's do you want to network together ?
    Wired Or Wireless Networking ?
    What is the size of the building ?

    [group electronics]
    What device do you want to fix ?
    What is the problem with this device ?

    [group automation]
    Type of Gate Automation:
    Size of your Gate:
    Weight of the Gate:
    A picture of the front view of your Gate / Gate Area:

    [group hardware]
    What device(s) would you like to service ?
    What device(s) would you like to install ?
    Will you be purchasing the Device ?

    [group software]
    What software(s) would you like us to install for you ?
    Any other software related questions ?

    [group equipment-supply]
    What Equipment's would you like us to supply for you ?

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    Welcome to SLW Solutions,
    How can we help You ?